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This site is operated by

Information according to § 5 TMG:

Sebastian B.C. Lehmann
Binsfelder Str. 77
52351 Düren

Sebastian B.C. Lehmann
0 24 21 – 26 27 929

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I do not want any advertising calls or advertising emails! (reference to § 7 UWG)

Responsible for the content of the site and the blog

This site is a community project and therefore maintained by different authors.

Responsible for the page content and the content of the individual blog entries are the respective authors of the articles.

All blog entries contain information about the respective authors.
For pages please contact the page administrators of the website (see above).
All authors are members of the district council of Düren Süd-Ost, legitimated by the district assembly.

If you have any questions about the district council Düren Süd-Ost …

… please contact directly our coordinator Silke Strunk (Office for Community Work & Social Urban Development)

Alternatively …
… please send your request to

Webdesign, Portrait- & Imagefotos
Businessphotography & Webdesign

Sebastian Lehmann
Binsfelder Str. 77
52351 Düren

References Photographs

If not otherwise specified
District council Düren Süd-Ost